Jared Redick's Job Description Analysis

Jared Redick's Job Description Analysis

Sale Price:$14.95 Original Price:$24.95

What Can I Do Next In My Career?

Used by recent grads to Fortune 500 executives since 2009. Endorsed by leaders at the University of California.

Jared Redick's do-it-yourself Job Description Analysis has helped people answer that question since 2009.

Originally developed to help job seekers identify the themes around which they should write their résumés and LinkedIn profiles, “the JDA” quickly expanded to help career planners gain insights into what the future might hold.

Always wondered if you could change careers? Wondering what experience or technical gaps might stand between you and your dream job?

Many JDA users find new ways to mindfully pursue a new career direction, while others have a "What was I thinking?" moment—steering clear of uninteresting roles and potentially avoiding years of unhappiness in the process.

The Job Description Analysis works no matter your seniority. All you need is a career direction you'd like to explore, the realization that you might be a few steps away from realizing your dream job, and the curiosity and commitment to make it happen.

It's not a career test. It won't tell you the color of your parachute. It will give you a dose of what's possible.

Already completed your JDA and want to go deeper on your findings?

Schedule a Job Description Analysis Interpretation session with Jared and see what insights are sitting just beneath the surface.

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Ready to map the intersection between where you’ve been and where you want to go?

Leaders at Fortune 500 companies, leading nonprofits, and government institutions nationwide have used Jared Redick’s Job Description Analysis to:

– Explore career paths
– Determine next step readiness
– Identify technical gaps
– Plan for the future

Endorsed by the University of California Humanities Research Institute and UCLA Career Services—and used by alumni from every Ivy League and Top 10 School as a foundational career planning tool—“the JDA” holds the promise to help you realistically evaluate the next step in your career.


Microsoft Excel Required
The downloadable template in this booklet requires Microsoft Excel.

If you don’t have Excel, but are confident that you could recreate the template using Numbers or Google Docs, you should be fine.

Otherwise, purchasing this tool is discouraged, as the entire point of “the JDA” is your completion of the embedded template within Excel.

PDF Only; For Desktop Use
This tool is intended for use on a desktop, not a mobile device.

It contains an embedded template created in Microsoft Excel. It will be delivered to you as a PDF, and is meant for deep thinking and rigorous desktop-based work.

Do not purchase it intending to use it on a tablet or phone.