Cover Letter Kit

Do you love writing cover letters? Neither do I, and I've had examples published in books. Indeed, the question rages as to whether cover letters are even read. Often, a cover letter is requested to simply fulfill a requirement.

Cover letters. Nobody likes them. They’re sometimes still required, though.

  • SIDE NOTE: I read two cover letters in my years as a recruiter—and those two were so good, I took them to dinner to analyze them. Interestingly, the people didn't fit for the roles I was recruiting, but they were still great letters.

Should cover letters be required?

As a candidate, that won't be for you to decide—and if you're positioning yourself as a stealth job seeker or passive target of acquisition, you may never need one—but the attached template will help you fulfill the requirement if it comes up.

Bristling at the word "template?"

I used to, too, but I created one that fills a need while feeling authentic in the context in which it's used.

  • BTW: If you need a custom-written cover letter, I can do that, but it's a separate "time and materials" agreement. Custom cover letter development has taken 3-16 hours in the past—a time-frame that depends wildly on the story, the need, the subject's seniority and career complexity, the requested page count, and more. I'm not encouraging you to hire me for a custom cover letter, but it's available if needed.

Temporary offer:

During the course of formal projects, I offer to review and make simple edits on one cover letter practice run. The offer ends when you receive your "Library of Master Documents" at the end of your project.

Please feel welcome to send over your first attempt anytime between now and the end of your project.

If you decide not to do a practice run with the cover letter, but need help later, you can always come back and book ad hoc time together.

As for now, I'd welcome the chance to review your first pass on a practice cover letter.